The Denton County Courts Building is transformed annually for Denton County Adoption Day.
November is National Adoption Month and communities across the nation take part in National Adoption Day. This one day can make a world of difference in the life of a young person. This is a very important day for many reasons. Did you know (according to the National Adoption Day website)
- more than 100,000 children in the US are waiting in foster care for an adoptive family?
- nearly 4 years is the average wait for a foster child to be adopted?
- more than 23,000 foster children age out of the system every year with no family or permanent home?
In Denton County, the Denton County Bar Association (DCBA) has spearheaded a very special service project, Denton County Adoption Day, since 2008. Their goal is to provide, free of charge, the legal services needed by families who wish to adopt their foster children. The efforts focus on area children who are taken in protective custody and are placed with extended family instead of a foster home as they often do not receive financial support from the state as other foster parents do.
On Friday, November 14, 2014, DCBA partnered with CASA of Denton County, and social workers from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to coordinate this wildly successful event. Businesses, organizations, as well as students from Texas Woman’s University and University of North Texas volunteered time and donated goods, services, or cash to ensure these children not only have a forever family, but have an opportunity to have a positive experience in our legal system. Our very own Marci B. Martinez served as the 2013 and 2014 event co-chair.
Attorney participants provided their services pro bono and attended training and received a family to file for, prepared the paperwork, and attended court with the families on this joyous day. The courthouse was transformed to an inviting “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” theme complete with hundreds of teddy bears that lined the courtrooms, gifts for the children, as well as personalized books for the children all signed by the Judges. A celebration took place after the completion of the adoption in the central jury room, which was overflowing with food, cake, carnival games, and a balloon clown!
Coker, Robb & Cannon, Family Lawyers attorneys Marci B. Martinez and Jacqueline D. Cannon regularly serve as court appointed ad litems for children in CPS cases. This year, both attorneys have children they represented as ad litems who participated in this special day and had the honor of being a part of the adoption ceremonies.
This special day would not have been possible without the efforts of an entire community that feels privileged and blessed to be a part of day that changes these children's lives forever. Be sure to visit the Denton County Adoption Day’s Facebook page to see heartwarming photos of this year’s events, thank the sponsors, and learn how you can be a part of the 2015 Denton County Adoption Day.